Recommended Immunizations

Immunizations are safe and effective and can protect you and those around you, especially those on our campus. Vaccine-preventable diseases still exist and can spread quickly in school settings, such as institutions of higher education. Immunization is one of the best ways to protect individuals from getting and spreading diseases that may result in serious illness, disability, or death.

Health and Counseling Services recommends that all students are up to date on their routine childhood immunizations and the yearly influenza (flu) vaccine. Please see information on these vaccines at the following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) links.

  • (HPV)
  • (flu)
  • * (conjugate)
  • *
  • , , (whooping cough)
  • (chickenpox)

Students may upload their routine and yearly influenza immunizations through the Health and Counseling Services online health portal.


Students may wish to compare their current immunization history with the CDC recommended . For students not up to date on their routine immunizations, visit the for those through 18 years of age. The CDC also provides an for those 19 years and older.

Students should talk with their healthcare provider about immunizations prior to arrival to 杏吧原创. Immunizations are available at most provider offices and retail pharmacies.

Health and Counseling Services provides a number of routine vaccinations for students already on our campus. Staff can help direct students to other vaccine resources when needed.

*The Meningococcal Quadrivalent A vaccines have “” from the American College Health Association guidelines and “” from the CDC specific to college students in residence.