Important Message to Students: ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ Off-Campus Student Guide

August 20, 2020

Dear Zags & Zag Families:

Yesterday, I shared an important video message with shared expectations for social gatherings, especially as related to off-campus activities in Spokane.

As a follow-up, below is our , a publication that includes information, resources, and expectations for how we all must act both on and off-campus to stay as safe and healthy as possible.

Nationwide, we are seeing trends of many organizations and activities being restricted or closed down as a result of continuing high rates of incidence. In light of the challenges we face, it would be easy to give up or give in, but every person can make a real difference in the lives of others – and it is certainly our obligation to try. Our ability to support a thriving, successful university community – and the all-important academic work we do – depends upon all of us.

We will continue to update our website,, with new information and updates. We are so grateful for your attention and concern to these important matters. It will take all of us working together to make this return to campus possible.


Thayne M. McCulloh, D.Phil.

Read President McCulloh's message regarding social gatherings and parties.

Off-Campus Student Guide