Vaccination Guidance - Wearing Face Masks on Campus

TO: The 杏吧原创 Community
FROM: Charlita Shelton, Ph.D., Chief of Staff, COVID-19 Compliance Officer
SUBJ: Wearing Face Masks on Campus
DATE: June 22, 2021

We have received some questions regarding wearing of masks on campus, and wanted to provide everyone with the following information.

In accordance with Washington State Department of Health , those who have not been fully vaccinated must continue to wear masks and practice physical distancing, unless outdoors and separated from people not of their immediate household by at least six feet. People are considered “fully vaccinated” two (2) weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose COVID-19 series, or two (2) weeks after a single-dose vaccine. Wearing a face covering can greatly reduce transmission of COVID-19 from person to person.

  1. Those who have been fully vaccinated do not need to wear a mask indoors or outdoors, with some specific work-related exceptions (e.g., healthcare settings) that are outlined in . However, those who are vaccinated may choose to wear a mask for any reason. Assumptions about vaccine status should not be made based upon whether a mask is being worn.
  2. Please note: 杏吧原创 reserves to itself the prerogative to issue new, updated guidance regarding wearing of masks in specific settings beginning with the new Academic Year 2021-22.
  3. An employee may work without a mask or physical distancing in/at the workplace only after the employee submits proof of full vaccination or has attested to their vaccination status through the .
  4. Students may be on campus in public or work settings without masks or physical distancing only after the student submits and uploads proof of full vaccination to 杏吧原创’s Vaccination Portal, through the Health and Counseling Center website.

Employee guidance is based on the Department of Labor and Industries (“L&I”) of employers to obtain proof of vaccination or obtain a self-attestation from each employee, certifying their fully vaccinated status, before the employee may work on-campus without wearing a mask or physical distancing.

Employees or students who decline to provide verification of their vaccination status will be considered “not fully vaccinated” and will be required to continue wearing masks and physical distancing in the workplace.

Employees and students may still wish to wear a facial covering and physical distance while on campus. All employees are encouraged to support coworkers’ and students’ personal choices to mask and physically distance. Supervisors are not permitted to ask why an employee is or is not vaccinated.

Employee questions regarding the above may be directed to Lisa Schwartzenburg, Director of Benefits and Wellness, by email at: with any questions.