The "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act" was originally enacted in 1990. It was amended in 1998 and is commonly known as the Clery Campus Security Act. Two goals of this legislation are disclosure of criminal activity on campus and timely warning of criminal activity. 杏吧原创 strongly supports these goals. Our crime reporting procedure, coordinated through the Campus Security & Public Safety department and Student Life office, insures that criminal activity on campus is effectively tracked and reported.
The Act requires annual reporting of the number of specified criminal offenses that occur on campus (or other specified areas) reported to Campus Security & Public Safety and/or local police, as well as information about campus security policies and procedures. The reporting period is January 1 through December 31 of each year. The statistics for the most recent calendar year, as well as the two previous years, must be released in a report to the University community by October 1 of each year. Specific provisions of this law stipulate that all students, staff and faculty of an institution receive this report. In addition, the crime statistics are reported to the Department of Education and published on the web.
The 1998 amendments continued the requirements of disclosure of criminal incidents on campus reported to Campus Security and/or local police, as well as information about campus security policies and procedures. The required reporting area was widened to include adjacent public property and non-campus property that is directly related to the institution's educational purposes. Criminal incidents in University residential facilities are required to be listed separately. In addition, a daily crime disclosure log requirement was created. This log lists criminal incidents which occur on campus and other specified areas on a daily basis and discloses particular non-identifiable information about the location and nature of the incident. The Campus Security & Public Safety department maintains the log. The log is available for viewing in the Security office during regular weekday hours upon request.
The crimes covered by the Act are murder, manslaughter, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Statistics for the reported incidence of these crimes must be included in the yearly report. Arrest statistics and campus disciplinary referrals for weapon law violations, drug abuse violations, and liquor law violations must also be reported. In addition, statistics must be provided for criminal offenses of murder, forcible rape, and aggravated assault (and any other crime that involves bodily injury) that manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability.
Data for the yearly disclosure of crime statistics is gathered from Security reports, information provided by the Student Life office and inquiries made of the Spokane Police department. Additionally, regular inquiries are made of other University departments and officials who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities. The Campus Security & Public Safety department prepares the report using a computer database.