GUST Summer Program

杏吧原创 Summer Term (GUST) is a great opportunity to practice and build skills to begin your academic career with confidence. If you are an incoming freshman and are interested in getting a head start on courses, explore summer course availability on Academic Advisors are available to help you put together a summer schedule that will help you build academic skills and move your forward on your degree requirements

If you have any additional questions, please contact us directly via email or call 509-313-4072

GUST is a 6-week program that offers students an opportunity to get a head start on their 杏吧原创 degree. No matter your major, GUST offers a wide variety of courses to choose from as you begin your college career.

A student studying in the Foley Library

What will GUST do for me?

  • 杏吧原创 students who intend to graduate in four years need to plan their coursework carefully. Because of credit-hour requirements for GU degrees, all undergraduates should plan on taking an average of 16 credits (5 - 6 classes) each semester. Some majors require an average of 17-18 credits per semester (6 - 7 classes).
  • GUST provides structure and support for you while enrolled in first-year courses, so you can get ahead and potentially lighten your course load during your first full academic year.
  • What's involved?

    • As a GUST student, you'll take courses during our regularly scheduled Summer Session II. You will receive academic support services to help you in choosing your courses for both summer session and the fall term.

    What courses are available?

    • Courses offered include, but are not limited to:
      • Precalculus (MATH 147) 
      • Writing and Composition (ENGL 101)
      • Communication and Speech (COMM 100)
      • Literature (ENGL 102-287)
      • History (US History or World Civilizations)

What are the advantages of GUST?

  • GUST students have a great head start on their college careers
  • Study in very small, very intense classes in a supportive and fun environment
  • Network with faculty and administrators, as well as fellow students early in their academic careers
  • Receive individualized academic advising
  • Plan in advance for studies abroad, teacher certification, double majors and other scheduling complexities
  • Learn about campus and community resources, including employment and service opportunities, EARLY!

What does it cost?

  • The cost for GUST will include a reduced tuition rate and other student account fees. The program cost will not include additional charges for lab fees, books, or supplies.

How can I get more information on GUST?

  • Send an email to for more information. You may also contact the office of Academic Advising and Assistance at (509) 313-4072. We look forward to seeing with you this summer!