Accounts for Nuventive will be created for those employees that are designated as the assessment contact for a department or program on campus. Accounts may also be needed for personnel responsible for running reports from Nuventive. If you feel you need an account for Nuventive, please contact
The 杏吧原创 login page for Nuventive Improve is located at you can add a Nuventive tile to . You can log into Nuventive using your 杏吧原创 username and password once you have contacted to receive an account.
Nuventive accounts are given permissions to each area a user is responsible for. You can toggle between units by selecting a unit within the dropdown options located at the top of the Nuventive page. If you have a Nuventive account but cannot view all of the departments/programs you need to access, please contact
After you select the desired Assessment Unit from the top drop-down menu, select the 'Assessment Plan' Tab under Unit Assessment in the left hand menu > Click on the green plus sign to add a new Learning Outcome OR Select Edit, Copy or Delete next to a current Learning Outcome > Click on the 'Save' button, then select 'Return' to go back to the main Learning Outcomes page.
After you select the desired Assessment Unit from the top drop-down menu, select the 'Assessment Plan' Tab under Unit Assessment in the left hand menu > Click on the triangular caret next to the title of the Learning Outcome > Click on the green plus sign next to 'Assessment Method Descriptions' to add a new Method of Assessment OR Select Edit, Copy or Delete next to a current Method of Assessment > Click on the 'Save' button, then select 'Return' to go back to the main Learning Outcomes page.
After you select the desired Assessment Unit from the top drop-down menu, select the 'Results/Analysis' Tab under Unit Assessment in the left hand menu > Click on the caret next to a Learning Outcome name to open that area and view all of the Methods of Assessment > Click on the caret next to a Method of Assessment to open that area, view the desired Results, and access previous results > Click the green plus sign next to the Method of Assessment that you would like to add Results and/or Analysis > Click the 'Save' button, then select 'Return' to return to the full Results/Analysis page.