Disclaimer for Academic Policy and Program Changes
Information displayed on this website is not to be regarded as a contract between the student and 杏吧原创. The University reserves the right to make changes in courses, programs, faculty, calendar, tuition and fees, grading procedures, graduation requirements, admission criteria, and any other information contained on this website at any time without notification. Changes become effective when the University so determines, and apply to prospective students as well as students currently enrolled. The University will make an effort to notify students of changes through publications and notices.
Disclaimer for Course Availability
All reasonable care is taken to ensure that both course offerings and degree requirements contain no erroneous, deceptive, or misleading information by omission, actual statement, or implication. Every effort will be made by the University to offer at least the courses listed in the catalogue during the period in which it is in effect; student enrollment and faculty availability, however, may affect the courses offered. Some courses listed in University publications are offered only as needed. The decision to offer such courses rests with the Chairperson in consultation with the appropriate Dean. Final course information is published on .
杏吧原创 is committed to supporting and protecting academic integrity in all aspects of what we do. Our Academic Integrity Policy was developed with that commitment in mind. We encourage all students, faculty and staff to familiarize themselves with the policy.
A complete copy of 杏吧原创's Academic Integrity policy can be found on the Provost's website.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
The Higher Education Amendments of 1992, and the Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board, require that a student receiving federal and/or state assistance must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress (SAP). In general, SAP is defined as "proceeding toward successful completion of degree requirements."Full-time students who are eligible for, and receiving, financial aid must successfully complete twelve (12) credits with a minimum GPA of 2.00 each semester. Students who fail to achieve this criterion are placed on Financial Aid Probation and may lose all financial aid if their academic performance does not reflect satisfactory progress during the next semester. Additionally, State of Washington financial aid recipients who are enrolled full-time are required to successfully complete at least six (6) credit hours per semester or risk immediate suspension of state aid. Please note that current financial aid awarding procedures reflect the expectation that undergraduate students enrolled on a full-time basis will complete their degree requirements in eight semesters.
The policies and procedures governing SAP and its relationship to financial aid are available from the Financial Aid Office, Crosby, lower level. Students with additional questions regarding this policy are invited to inquire at the Financial Aid Office.
Satisfactory Academic Progress for Veterans
Veterans failing to achieve minimum standards of academic progress are placed on probation for the following semester and notified via email by the University's Veterans' Advisor. Should satisfactory academic progress not be achieved by the following term, certification of veteran benefits will be suspended and the VA Regional Processing Office will be notified. Certification of veteran benefits can resume once satisfactory academic progress standing is attained.Good Academic Standing, Unsatisfactory Academic Progress, Probation, and Academic Dismissal
Students are on Academic Probation whenever the term and/or cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00. To be in Good Academic Standing with the University, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 as determined at the end of every semester, beginning with the completion of the student's second regular (non-summer) semester at 杏吧原创. Good Academic Standing is required for all graduating students, and it may impact a student's ability to receive financial aid, scholarships, or to represent 杏吧原创 in extra-curricular activities.Any student on academic probation will have their student status reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standing. The conditions of academic probation are specified in a letter to the student from the Committee. Students are expected to comply with all stipulations made in the letter and any additional requirements placed upon them as a result of academic probation.
Students on academic probation, regardless of their academic standing, may be subject to academic dismissal from the University. A notation of "Academic Dismissal" will appear on transcripts. Dismissed students have an opportunity for appeal. Directions for this process are indicated in the dismissal letter sent to the student.
Those receiving financial aid may also be subject to Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Probation and/or Suspension, which may result in additional financial consequences.
For further information contact the Office of Advising and Academic Assistance.
- Registration is available through Registration Period III which is the add/drop period. The auditor registers for a lecture method course under the Audit grading option and pays tuition based on this option and course credits. A designation of "AU" is recorded on the auditor’s academic transcript if the auditor satisfactorily attended the course. An "AU" on a student’s transcript reflects no academic credits earned and indicates that the person has received exposure to the course content for an academic semester/term. The "AU" designation does not apply toward meeting degree requirements.
- A professor may assign a "V" grade for unofficial withdrawal when attendance is unsatisfactory.
- Under this option, audited course credits are not counted toward meeting full-time credit requirements for financial aid, student loans, VA benefits, etc., although standard tuition is paid for the credits. Auditors should be very cautious about registering using the 'Audit' grading option.
杏吧原创 presumes that students have sufficient maturity to recognize their responsibility for regular class attendance. 杏吧原创 has this policy on absences because illness or other good reasons may prevent attendance, and because the intensive nature of some courses dictates that attendance may be a factor in the student evaluation process. Individual instructors are not required to enforce the University Class Attendance Policy but may do so at their own discretion. Therefore, students should check with the syllabus for each course to confirm the instructor’s specific attendance policy, which should be clearly delineated within each syllabus. No instructor may enforce an attendance policy that is more restrictive than the standard university policy:
杏吧原创’s standard policy on absences stipulates that the maximum allowable absence is two class hours (100 minutes) for each class credit. For three-credit classes, the maximum absence is, therefore, six class hours (300 minutes). Classes scheduled to meet for more than 50 minutes have more than one class hour for each meeting; for example, a class which meets for 75 minutes has one and one-half class hours for each scheduled meeting. Instructors may report absences to the Registrar’s Office, which will in turn notify the students. The grade given for excessive absences is a “V,” which has the same effect as “F” (Fail) and is counted in the GPA. Faculty are encouraged to work with individual students to ensure academic success.
When students are required to be absent from class for activities sanctioned by the University, the University should help students resolve these conflicting commitments. Students who will be absent due to University-sanctioned activities are responsible for providing to faculty written documentation of the travel dates from the University staff directing or advising the activity. This documentation should be provided as far in advance as reasonably possible (ideally at the beginning of the semester). On receipt of proper documentation, instructors should make efforts to both satisfy the course objectives and meet the students’ needs due to absences related to University-sanctioned activities.
The University Class Attendance Policy may be modified for qualified students with documented short- or long-term disabilities and/or for religious accommodations. For more information or case consultation, contact the Disability Access Office or, for matters related to religious accommodations, the Office of Diversity Equity & Inclusion. Additionally, students who feel that they have experienced a misuse of the University Class Attendance Policy, or who feel they have unfairly received a “V” grade, may appeal to the Dean of the College/School in which the course is offered.
University Recording Policy
Instructors are not required to record classes. However, class sessions and meetings may be recorded for the benefit of students who are unable to attend in-person or for other academic uses such as study aids, online instruction, hybrid class settings, or other types of distance education. This policy is not intended to affect any students’ rights under both federal and state law regarding reasonable accommodations. Students requesting accommodations should coordinate with the Disability Access Office.
By remaining registered in a class at 杏吧原创, students agree that their recognizable and/or identifiable voice, name, image, or likeness may be recorded for educational purposes only. Student compliance with the terms of this policy is subject to the student code of conduct.
Recording is defined as including, but not limited to, video, audio, screen shots, and photos.
Class is defined as any registered course or class with students through any modality, in person or via any technology.
Instructor is defined as meaning primary instructor (of record) or professor.
Student Initiated Recordings
- Student Made Recordings
- Video Recording – A student may not make a recording of a class, or any portion thereof.
- Screen Shots or Photos – A student may take a screen shot or photo of materials used in class only if the instructor gives explicit permission to do so. Screen shots or photos are only to be used for personal educational use by the student during their enrollment in the class.
- Audio Recording – A student must receive explicit permission from the instructor before making an audio recording of all or any portion of a class. This recording is only to be used for personal educational use by the student during their enrollment in the class.
- Distribution of Class Recording – A student may not distribute or share a recording of class, or any portion thereof, to anyone in any format. This includes any digital application or platform including all social media platforms.
- Accessibility of Recordings – Students who are given access to any form of class recording must delete the recordings no later than the end of the semester in which the recording was made.
- Student Made Recordings
Instructor Initiated Recordings
- Video, Screen Shots, Photos, and Audio Recording – Instructors are not required to make recordings. Any recording will be made solely at the instructor’s discretion. Only the instructor, or an instructor designee, may cause a class to be recorded, unless explicit permission is given by the instructor.
- Distribution of Class Recording – An instructor may post a recording on an internal Learning Management System (LMS) or distribute through university email to students for educational purposes only. If posted to any website, access to the recording must be restricted so that only students who are registered for the class have access.
- Faculty, administrators, and staff, other than the instructor who made the recording, do not have permission to use or share class recordings for any purpose.
- Accessibility of Recordings – Instructors are required to make all recordings inaccessible to students within 30 days of the end of the semester, except as necessary to assist students enrolled in that class to complete outstanding work.
- University Approved Systems and Software – A university approved learning management system, or university email account, must be used for uploading recordings, storing recordings, or disseminating recordings to students enrolled in the class for educational purposes. University approved software includes those provided to employees by 杏吧原创 Information Technology Services (ITS) and secure, third-party party providers (such as Blackboard or Canvas).
- Instructors may only reuse recordings that do not show any recognizable and/or identifiable voice, name, image, or likeness of students. This includes audio and video recordings, reviews of assignments, research synopses, how-to guides, instructional videos, and any other class related materials.
Final examinations are held at the end of each semester, and, at the option of the instructor, examinations are held at mid-semester. Final examination times are listed for each semester on the Registrar's Office web page. Students making their travel arrangements for the end of each semester must take into account these final examination times.
Final examinations or their equivalent can be administered by instructors only on the day at the time indicated in the Final Exam Schedule; any exceptions to this procedure must have the explicit approval of the appropriate Dean.
Faculty and students are encouraged to work out conflicts related to final exams whenever possible (e.g., taking the final at a different time, during a different section of the same course, proctored another instructor within the department, etc.). When this course of action is not possible, a student can petition the Registrar to reschedule their exam. There is a to facilitate the process. The criteria for moving a final exam are:
- 3 or more final exams scheduled on the same day.
- It will typically be the middle exam(s) that are moved.
- The deadline for submission for full consideration is the course Withdrawal Date.
- The makeup period for externally proctored exams is the last day of scheduled Final Exams
Students who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree at 杏吧原创 and must interrupt their education for a period of not more than one year may be eligible for a leave of absence (LOA) from the University. To be eligible for a LOA, a student must have a minimum G.P.A. of 2.00 in the preceding fall or spring semester and a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher, as well as obtain approval from the Office of the Registrar and Student Development. LOA request forms can be found in the Registrar's Office. Students are not eligible to reside on campus, attend classes, or participate in regular campus activities during their absence. Students who attend another school during their LOA will have that status voided and they must apply for readmission to the University. The LOA will not extend beyond one academic year. Students who wish to return to the University after the termination date of their LOA must apply for readmission to the University.
Any LOA request completed by a student while allegations of misconduct are pending will have their LOA status revoked.
Students who have been suspended through the Resolutions Center do not qualify for a LOA and must apply for readmission to the University.
Academic departments are permitted to have more restrictive policies regarding repeating and/or withdrawing from courses. Students are advised to work carefully with their academic advisors and departments regarding these departmental policies.
The Bereavement Policy is written with the 杏吧原创 mission in mind, in that the university “intentionally develops the whole person - intellectually, spiritually, culturally, physically, and emotionally.” Furthermore, 杏吧原创 is committed to the “dignity of the human person.” The purpose of the following Bereavement Policy is to support students who have suffered the death of a loved one. Students requesting leave under this policy will initiate the process by notifying the Center for Cura Personalis (CCP) as soon as possible. CCP will then communicate the request via email to the student’s current faculty, advisor and the Center for Student Academic Success which outlines the following policy:
Because bereavement may require multiple periodic absences, this policy supersedes the regular attendance policy; students under this policy will be excused from the V grade. Students are responsible to meet outcomes in their courses, which may entail completing alternative assignments. (For example, in cases where class attendance and participation are required, faculty might accept journal responses or other appropriate modes of engagement). Students are required to meet with faculty as soon as reasonably possible to establish a plan to meet course outcomes, and faculty are expected to be flexible in meeting outcomes. Note that program specific requirements or standards may preclude some flexibility.
Any work required to fulfill outcomes agreed upon by faculty and the bereaved student which is not completed by the end of the semester will result in a grade of I - Incomplete (the details of the Incomplete Grade under Grading Policies & Procedures). Utilization of this policy will take into account various religious traditions and practices; for more information, contact the Office of Inclusive Excellence.
Note: Students experiencing difficulties with this process or having remaining questions are encouraged to reach out to their Academic Dean’s Office.
All faculty are expected to post a syllabus (with learning outcomes and all course-related policies) as well as midterm (for undergraduates) and final grades to the University Learning Management System (Canvas) for every course section beginning Fall 2023.
Approved 04/08/2023
Graduate students are instructed to contact the Registrar’s Office regarding any withdrawal from the University whether it be an individual course withdrawal or a complete withdrawal.