A student's scholastic standing is based on the GPA earned each semester. This is determined by the combined results of examinations, assignments, class attendance, and general evidence of regular and consistent participation. Due weight will be given to mastery of the subject and the ability to communicate clearly, effectively, and accurately in both oral and written form. There are several GPA's including the semester GPA, the cumulative GPA, and the upper division major GPA.
Specific information on the grading policy of any course is typically provided via the course syllabus. To indicate a student's quality of achievement in a given subject, final grades in the form of letters and plus/minus indicators are used by instructors in the University's undergraduate programs. The letter grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F, V, and NS are assigned a "quality point value" for purposes of cumulative grade point average calculations, certification, and convenience in reporting.
The GPA is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned by the total credits graded.
The letter grades AU, I, IP, P, RD, S, and W do not count as credits graded and quality points are not awarded. Grades of "S" and "P" do not calculate into the GPA but count as credits earned.
A minimum cumulative and upper division major grade point average of 2.00 is required for completion of an undergraduate degree. Transfer credits accepted by 杏吧原创 may count toward degree completion; however, grades associated with transfer credits are not used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA at 杏吧原创.
Standard Letter Grade | Quality Points |
A | Excellent | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 | |
B+ | 3.3 | |
B | Good | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 | |
C+ | 2.3 | |
C | Average | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 | |
D+ | Poor | 1.3 |
D | 1.0 | |
F |
Failing | 0.0 (computed in GPA) |
Grades awarded to students who complete the term and the course but fail to achieve course objectives. | ||
V (unofficial Withdrawal) | Failing | 0.0 (computed in GPA) |
Grades awarded to students who have not officially dropped or withdrawn from a course and consequently have not met class attendance requirements or participation in the course through the end of a semester. The grade is given at the discretion of the professor. Students should not assume that professors will automatically initiate course drops/withdrawals for non-attendance. | ||
S (Satisfactory/C or higher) | Passing | (not computed in GPA) |
P (Pass/C or higher) | Passing | (not computed in GPA) |
NS (C- or lower) | Failing | (computed in GPA) |
W (Withdrawal) | (not computed in GPA) | |
AU (Audit) | (not computed in GPA) | |
RD (Report Delayed) | (not computed in GPA) |
AU - Audit
The AU grade is assigned by the Registrar's Office and is not an option of the instructor. Students must register for this grade mode no later than the close of Registration Period III which runs through the drop/add period.
I = Incomplete
Given when a student with a legitimate reason as determined by the instructor, does not complete all the work of the course within the semester that he/she is registered for the course. The faculty member notifies the Registrar's Office with the reason for the "I" (Incomplete) grade, lists the missing material, and assigns a provisional grade that will be assigned thirty (30) calendar days into the following semester (summer sessions are not included). A provisional grade should be what the student would earn if no additional work is submitted. Requests for a date extension beyond the published date for removing incompletes must be approved through the appropriate Deans' Office and sent to the Registrar's Office for processing. Forms for this action can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. If the instructor does not submit an extension or a new grade before the published date or time extension lapses, the provisional grade will be recorded on the student’s transcript. If a provisional grade has not been provided, the "I" grade becomes an "F" grade and is recorded on the transcript as an "I/F". Whenever an "I" grade has been assigned, the "I" grade becomes part of the permanent record. i.e. "I/B", etc.
IP = In Progress
Assigned only for courses in Internships, Research, and Comprehensive Exams, as well as courses that Deans recognize as eligible due to the nature of the course and the need for more than a semester to complete the work. An "IP" may remain for one calendar year. If a grade is not submitted within one year, an "IP" automatically becomes a "W" (official withdrawal). Requests for time extension beyond the deadline must be submitted by the instructor to the Registrar’s Office by completing the Extension form and obtaining signatures from the Dean of the college/school the course falls under as well as the Academic Vice President. Once the course has been completed and graded, the Change of Grade form needs to be processed and the grade will be entered on the student's academic record by the Registrar's Office.
P = Pass
Designated elective courses may be taken on the Pass/Fail grading option by student request, not that of the instructor. Students select this option before the drop/add registration period closes by completing the appropriate paperwork in the Registrar’s Office. Letter grades assigned by instructors that are "C" or higher are converted to "P" grades at the end of the semester and grades below "C" are converted to "F" grades. The "P" grade does not calculate into the grade point average and the credits earned count toward the minimum number of credits required to graduate. The "F" (fail) grade affects the cumulative GPA as a standard "F" grade. Courses taken under the Pass/Fail grading option do not satisfy any University core, major, minor, or concentration requirement and can only be used as elective credit toward the overall credit total required for graduation.
RD = Report of Grade Delayed
If an instructor fails to assign a grade for a course and the grade entry is left blank, the Registrar's Office will assign an "RD" and the "RD" will remain a part of the student record until the earned grade has been received by the Registrar's Office. To submit the grade, a Change of Grade form is required along with the Dean's signature.
S/NS = Satisfactory/Non-Satisfactory
Some courses are designated by academic departments for Satisfactory (S)/Non-Satisfactory (NS) grading only. This is not a grading option that students can choose. This grading option can only be determined by a department/college/school. The "NS" grade has the same effect as an "F" (Fail) on the grade point average. An "S" grade does not affect the GPA, and the credits earned are counted toward total credits needed to graduate. Courses graded using this grade mode will not be converted to a standard letter grade.V = Unofficial Withdrawal
This grade has the same effect as an "F" (fail) on the grade point average (GPA) and is awarded by the instructor for excessive absences or failure to withdraw officially from a course.
W = Official Withdrawal
No penalties incurred. Not included in the attempted or earned GPA.
Graduate programs require a 3.00 cumulative grade point average in course work approved for the degree program. Students failing to meet the minimum grade point average will be considered on probation for one semester, may lose veteran benefits, and may be dropped from the program. Credits which carry a letter of C-, D, F, AU, W, V, IP, I, or RD do not count toward a graduate degree.
A student's scholastic standing in each subject is determined by the combined results of examinations, assignments, class participation, and general evidence of regular and consistent application. Due weight is given not only to the degree of subject mastery manifested by the student but also to the ability to communicate orally and in written form.
Faculty are expected to be able to explain how final grades are calculated through the accumulation of points or percentages assigned in the evaluation of graded work. To indicate a student's quality of achievement in a given subject, final grades, in the form of letters and plus/minus indicators, are used by all instructors in the University's graduate programs. The letter grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F and V are assigned a "quality point value" for purposes of cumulative grade point average calculations, certification, and consistency of grade assignment and reporting.
The grade point average is determined by dividing cumulative quality points earned in authorized courses by the cumulative credits attempted in authorized courses. Letter grades (AU, W, I, IP, and RD) do not count as credit hours attempted and quality points are not awarded. Until letter grades for I, IP, and RD are converted to standard grades, degrees can not be confirmed.
Standard Letter Grade | Quality Points |
A | Excellent | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 | |
B+ | Good | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 | |
B- | Below graduate level expectation | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 | |
C | 2.0 | |
C- | Treating as an "F" |
0.0 |
D+ | 0.0 | |
D | 0.0 | |
F |
Failing | 0.0 (computed in GPA) |
Grades awarded to students who complete the term and the course but fail to achieve course objectives. | ||
V (unofficial Withdrawal) | Failing | 0.0 (computed in GPA) |
Grades awarded to students who have not officially dropped or withdrawn from a course and consequently have not met class attendance requirements or participation in the course through the end of a semester. The grade is given at the discretion of the professor. Students should not assume that professors will automatically initiate course drops/withdrawals for non-attendance. | ||
S (Satisfactory/B or higher) | Passing | (not computed in GPA) |
P (Pass/B or higher) | Passing | (not computed in GPA) |
NS (B- or lower) | Failing | (computed in GPA) |
W (Withdrawal) | (not computed in GPA) | |
AU (Audit) | (not computed in GPA) | |
RD (Report Delayed) | (not computed in GPA) |
AU = Audit
No credit hours earned; does not apply toward a degree; the "AU’ grade is not an option for instructors. Students must register for this grade mode no later than the close of Registration Period III which runs through the drop/add period.
I = Incomplete
May be given when a student with a legitimate reason (determined by the instructor) does not complete all the work of the course within the semester that he/she is registered for the course. The faculty member notifies the Registrar's Office with the reason for the "Incomplete" grade, lists the missing material, and assigns a provisional grade that will be assigned thirty (30) calendar days into the following semester (summer sessions are not included). Requests for a date extension beyond the published date for removing an incomplete grade must be approved through the appropriate Deans Office and sent to the Registrar's Office for processing. Forms for this action can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. If the instructor does not submit an extension or a new grade before the published date or time extension lapses, the provisional grade will be recorded on the student’s transcript. If a provisional grade has not been provided, the "I" grade becomes an "F" grade and is recorded on the transcript as an "I/F". Whenever an "I" grade has been assigned, the "I" grade becomes part of the permanent record. i.e. "I/B", etc.
IP - In Progress
Assigned for courses such as Research, Comprehensive, Thesis, Dissertation and Proposal Seminar, DPLS 730, 735-736, and for other courses so recognized by a Program Director/Dean as eligible due to the nature of the course and the need for more than a semester to complete the course work. Instructors must indicate the deadline for completion of the work. If no grade is submitted within one year, an "IP" automatically becomes a "W" (unofficial withdrawal). Requests for time extension beyond the deadline must be submitted by the instructor to the Registrar’s Office by completing the Extension Form and obtaining signatures from the Dean of the school the course falls under as well as the Academic Vice President. Once the course is completed and graded, the Change of Grade form needs to be processed and the grade will be entered on the student academic record by the Registrar's Office.
P = Pass
Designated elective courses may be taken on the Pass/Fail grading option by student request, not that of the instructor. Students select this option before the drop/add registration period closes by completing the appropriate paperwork in the Registrar's Office. Letter grades assigned by instructors that are "B" or higher are converted to "P" grades at the end of the semester and grades below "B" are converted to "F" grades. The "P" grade does not calculate into the grade-point average and the credits earned count toward the minimum number of credits required to graduate. The "F" (fail) grade affects the cumulative GPA as a standard "F" grade.
S/NS = Satisfactory/Non Satisfactory
Certain courses are designated by academic departments for Satisfactory (S)/Non Satisfactory (NS) grading only. This is not a grading option that students choose. This is the grade mode determined by a department/college/school. The "NS" grade has the same effect as an "F" (failing) on the GPA. An "S" grade does not affect the GPA, and the credits earned are counted toward the total needed to graduate. Courses using this grade mode will not be converted to a standard grade.
RD = Report of Grade Delayed
If an instructor fails to assign a grade for a course and the grade entry is left blank, the Registrar's Office will assign an "RD" and the "RD" will remain a part of the student record until the earned grade has been received by the Registrar's Office. To submit the grade, a Change of Grade form is required along with the Dean's signature.
V = Unofficial Withdrawal
Grades awarded to students who have not officially dropped or withdrawn from a course and consequently have not met class attendance requirements or participation in the course through the end of a semester. The grade is given at the discretion of the professor. Students should not assume that professors will automatically initiate course drops/withdrawals for non-attendance.
W = Withdrawal
No penalties incurred. Not included in the attempted or earned GPA.
Courses may be taken on a pass or fail basis at the option of the student, not of the instructor. The Pass/Fail option by a student should not be confused with the Satisfactory/Non Satisfactory option offered and graded for courses predetermined by academic departments.
- A course with a "P" grade earned at the option of the student does not fulfill any course requirement for a core, major, minor, or concentration requirement.
- The credits earned for a "P" grade count toward the 128 minimum credits necessary for a degree. A "P" (pass) grade will not affect the grade-point average; a fail will have the same effect as any "F" (fail) grade.
- A student’s level of performance to earn a "P" grade must correspond to the letter grade of "C" or better.
- Undergraduate students wishing to exercise the Pass/Fail option must fill out the Pass/Fail Grade Option form in the Registrar’s Office prior to the last published date to Withdraw from courses and may not revoke their decision after this date.
- Students are allowed to designate at most six (6) credits as Pass/Fail each Academic Year.
- Any course failed ("F" grade) may not be repeated on a Pass/Fall basis.
A degree-seeking undergraduate student whose grade-point average (GPA) for a semester is 3.50 and less than 3.85 is placed on the Dean’s List. A degree-seeking undergraduate student whose grade-point average for a semester is between 3.85 and 4.00 is placed on the President’s List. Students must successfully complete at least twelve (12) credits to be eligible for the lists. Courses in which the grade mode is Pass/Fail and/or Satisfactory/Non-Satisfactory (S/NS) option will also count in the 12 credits.
Graduate students do not earn Dean’s or President’s List designations.
The academic achievements of graduating students at the baccalaureate level are formally recognized at the public Commencement exercises, appear in published lists of graduates, and are recorded on transcripts. Only 杏吧原创 credits are used in computing graduation honors. To calculate a student's achieved honors designation, grade point averages are truncated two decimal spaces and are not rounded up. For recognition purposes at Commencement, eligibility for these honors is determined based on the cumulative GPA as of the end of the fall semester. Graduate and Doctoral students do not receive graduation honors.
Undergraduate students who have earned sixty-four (64) 杏吧原创 credits receive the following academic honors recognition:
GPA | Honors Level |
3.50 - 3.69 | Cum Laude |
3.70 - 3.89 | Magna Cum Laude |
3.90 - 4.00 | Summa Cum Laude |
Students who have earned at least 48, but less than 64, 杏吧原创 credits are graduated 'With Distinction' if the cumulative grade-point average is 3.50 or higher.