Gear Rentals

Mission: At 杏吧原创 Outdoors we try to keep the outdoors as accessible as possible by providing a cheap alternative to buying high-priced outdoor gear. We have a wide-variety of high-quality outdoor gear available for all 杏吧原创 students and faculty.

Policy: To rent equipment, students must have a GU ID number and faculty/staff need their 杏吧原创 ID. General community members are not permitted to rent equipment. Once the Rental Agreement is signed, the renter accepts responsibility for the equipment and any fees or charges that may occur. 杏吧原创 Outdoors makes no representation, warranties, or covenants, expressed or implied with respect to the condition, quality, durability, or suitability of the rented equipment and assumes no liability for any bodily injury or damaged property resulting from the use, improper or otherwise, of the rented equipment.

Reservations: Rentals must be paid to secure reservation.

Returns: Returns are due Monday. Fees charged to soiled, or excessively wet equipment. To avoid fees, the equipment must be returned clean and operational. The rentals must also be returned on the due date indicated on the Rental Agreement. Late fees will be charged by noon the day after the due date with a rate of 50% of the rental price. Students will be charged a late fee for everyday that the gear is past the return date.

Available Equipment and Prices in the Following Areas

SNOW Weekend

Snowboard Package

Board Only  $15
Boots Only  $10
Helmet  FREE
Snowshoes  $10
Trekking Poles  $4
SLEEP Weekend
Foam Sleeping Pad  $3
Inflatable Sleeping Pad  $5
Car Camping Sleeping Bag  $10
20-Degree Sleeping Bag  $15
0-Degree Sleeping Bag  $15
Updated August 01, 2024
4 Person Tent  $14
6 Person Tent  $14
Ground Tarp  $3
Backpacking Tent  $18
Updated August 01, 2024
Water Weekend
Dry Bags $5
Spray Jackets $6
Spray Skirts $8
Wetsuit $10
Wetsuit Booties  $4
Floatation Device  $3
Updated August 01, 2024
Rain Jacket $6
Rain Pants $6
Fleece Jacket $5
Fleece Pants $5
Snow Pants $10
Soft Shell Pants $5
Gaiters $4
Hiking Boots $8
Gloves $4
Updated August 01, 2024
Crash pad $12
Shoes $5
Helmet  FREE
Updated August 01, 2024
Kennel Campout 1 Night
Tent $14
Sleeping Bag* $10
Sleeping Pad ** $3
Deluxe Combo (Sleeping pad and sleeping bag)  $10
Premium Combo (Tent and Sleeping Bag)  $20
Ultimate Combo (Tent, Sleeping bag, and Sleeping Pad) $25

*Car camping sleeping bag ONLY 

**Foam Sleeping Pad ONLY 


***Kennel campout gear can ONLY be reserved starting 8am the morning of the campout ONLY***

Updated August 01, 2024

We have many resources available in our office to help you plan your own adventure. Our Office Staff and Trip Leaders all have great amounts of experience with a large variety of outdoor recreation in the greater Spokane area. We are more than happy to sit down with you and help you plan a trip.

Green Trails Maps

We have detailed trail maps for all major recreation areas in Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and Western Montana. Take a copy with you to help you navigate on the trail!

Guide Books

We have all kinds of different types of suggested trips and guide books available to rent to help you choose a and plan a trip. You can use these books in the office or take advantage of a two day rental.

Checkout this amazing online resource to plan your trips. This online map shows trip locations and detailed descriptions of trails and routes. Use our subscription free in the office.


REI offers this organization and the local community great resources for various outdoors activities.

Updated August 01, 2024

Day prices available if needed