Community Partners Event

Flowering Tree

Join us for our Engaged Community Partners Social!

Monday, May 6, 2024
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

杏吧原创 Jepson Center
2nd Floor Lounge

Whether you're new to the School of Business Administration or a seasoned follower, we invite you to join us for our Engaged Community Partners social. The School of Business, including students, faculty, and staff, is committed to nurturing an ongoing relationship with you. This event is our chance to honor retiring members, celebrate our achievements from the academic year, preview what's ahead, and host valued partners from the business community. Your collaboration and support are integral to our success. Let's come together to explore innovative ways to engage all members of our business school with our community and its leaders.

Randall Bennett, Professor of Economics

Scott Hedin, Assistant Professor of Operations Management

RSVP below and join us for good conversation and drinks and appetizers! 

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