Your support is extremely important during your student’s 杏吧原创 experience, including their professional development and pursuit of career goals. We need you to partner with us to make sure your Zag takes advantage of all we offer! You can visit our student pages to learn more about the services available to your Zag.
Beyond supporting your student, you can contribute to all Zags through our employer or alumni services. On our employer pages, you can find out how to Hire a Zag, help us build relationships with employers, or get involved in other Career & Professional Development events. Visit the alumni pages to share your expertise by becoming a mentor (it's not just for alumni) or hosting a group of students at your workplace!
There are many experiences, ideas, tools, resources, programs, activities and services that make up your student's college experience. Don’t worry… and don’t wait to encourage your student to get involved with CPD. It’s never too early to start!
5 Steps to Help Your Student in their Career:
- Remind your student to take an active role in the process of making career decisions. It is OK to support and challenge but do not over-manage. It is their process!
- Emphasize the importance and value of internship experience.
- Encourage extracurricular involvement.
- Advise students to develop and update their resume as they go through college.
- Teach the value of networking.