If this is an emergency or you are the victim of a crime, please contact Campus Security and Public Safety immediately at (509) 313-2222.
Our Mission
杏吧原创 strives to be an exemplary learning community in service of the common good for the development of the whole person. 杏吧原创’s mission states that the “杏吧原创 experience fosters a mature commitment to dignity of the human person, social justice, diversity, [and] intercultural competence….” Therefore, the University values and embraces our rich community of people who represent a wide spectrum of faiths, ethnicities, cultures, identities, and backgrounds.
To that end, the Bias Incident Assessment and Support (BIAS) Team is committed to fostering a campus environment where everyone feels safe and respected. We include within that commitment a desire to uphold everyone’s right to freedom of expression. Our responsibilities include supporting people and groups who experience bias incidents (defined below), monitoring and reporting on those incidents, and recommending educational initiatives to minimize bias.
Understanding Bias
The BIAS team will collect reports on bias incidents and hate crimes.
- A hate crime is a criminal offense against an individual, a group of people, or property motivated, in whole or in part, by an offender’s bias against a disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
- A bias incident, on the other hand, is non-criminal conduct, speech, or expression motivated, in whole or in part, by bias or prejudice against an individual or group of people because of their real or perceived characteristics.
The exchange of ideas and free expression of multiple viewpoints is essential for our community. Ideas, perspectives, and conduct that some find offensive, insulting, controversial, or inflammatory may not necessarily rise to the level of bias-related incidents or hate crimes. Our commitment to openness and free expression, however, does not protect harassment or expressions of bias or hate based on social identity.
- bias: an inclination, temperament, or prejudice for or against persons because of their memberships in a protected class, especially in a way considered to be unfair
A bias incident refers to language, expression, or conduct that demonstrates bias against a person or group based on their actual or perceived social identity, including age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, marital status, military/veteran status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc. Bias incidents typically result in emotional discomfort, mistrust, insecurity, and distress for the targeted person(s) and may limit the ability of people to work, study, or participate in college life. They also damage our ability to create an inclusive and welcoming campus.
A bias incident, motivated by a person or group’s social identity, may include but is not limited to:
- Discrimination or expressions of disrespect
- Displays of
- Disparaging conduct or language
- Hostile environments, intimidating comments or messages, and/or harassing behavior -- in person or online -- that is severe, persistent, or pervasive
- Threatening behavior
- Defacement of personal or university property
Specific Examples
Racial and ethnic stereotype theme parties
Student organizations host a party that encourages people to wear costumes and act out in ways that reinforce stereotypes that create a campus climate that is hostile to racial and ethnic minority groups
Bias in the classroom
Professors who make pejorative comments or stereotypes about a protected class of people, e.g. women, religious minorities, underrepresented racial groups, people with disabilities, etc.
Hostile work environment
Making sexual comments, jokes, or gestures or displaying pictures and items that convey sexually inappropriate messages
A hate crime is a criminal offense like murder, arson, invasion of privacy, or vandalism, with an added element of bias towards a federally protected class of people. Federal law as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.” Washington State as malicious harassment, crimes, and/or threats motivated by bigotry, prejudice and/or bias.
Specific Examples
A noose hung on the door of an African American student’s residence
This hypothetical hate crime is motivated by racial bias and includes a definable crime of threat of violence.
Assaulting a trans student because of their gender identity
This hypothetical hate crime is motivated by bias and may include several definable crimes, such as violence and personal injury.
The word “terrorist” keyed into the side of a Muslim professor’s car
This hypothetical hate crime includes vandalism and is maliciously harassing against a specific person or group of people because of their religion.
How to Report
If this is an emergency or you are the victim of a crime, please contact Campus Security and Public Safety immediately at (509) 313-2222.
Anyone may report a bias incident to:
The BIAS Team will review all online reports and reach out within two business days if requested in the report and contact information is provided. It is best to report an incident as early as possible.
It is important to talk to someone if you are the target or witness of a bias incident. A list of BIAS Team members and resources can be found below at the end of this page.
If possible, preserve any evidence and document the incident as thoroughly as possible:
- Photograph graffiti / written material.
- Maintain a copy of a phone, text, or email messages.
- Accurately document and date what was verbalized.
You may also report the incident anonymously. Anonymous reporting, however, may impact the University’s ability to pursue appropriate action.
Non-anonymous reports are managed as sensitively and confidentially as possible in that only essential personnel will be involved in responding to the incident.
What Happens Now?
- Once a report is received, it is reviewed by the Co-Chairs of the BIAS Team and the Chief Diversity Officer.
- If the reporting party is known and requests a response, the BIAS Team will reach out within two business days to schedule a meeting.
- Any, or a combination of the following three actions, may result:
- If follow-up is not possible or necessary, then no further action is pursued.
- All bias incident reports are archived to help track and improve campus climate.
*If the incident is egregious, violates University policy, and/or there is an established pattern of behavior, then the BIAS Team will forward the report to the appropriate campus department, such as Human Resources or the Resolution Center for Student Conduct and Conflict. If the incident may constitute a hate crime, then the report will also be shared with Campus Security & Public Safety and/or local law enforcement.
As a group dedicated to support and education, the BIAS Team has offered the following responses to bias incidents:
- Recommendation of resources and support services
- Community messaging (e.g. to a classroom, academic department, college or school, residence hall, etc.)
- BIAS Team holds an educational conversation with the initiator
- Referral to another office (Please note that the BIAS Team is not an investigative, disciplinary, or crisis response team. Other campus departments, such as Campus Security & Public Safety, Human Resources, and the Resolution Center for Student Conduct & Conflict, provide these functions.)
- Coaching (e.g. role playing with the reporting party to have a direct conversation with the initiator, offering guidance and feedback, etc.)
Past Reports
Current Membership
- Co-Chair: Vacant– Office of Inclusive Excellence
- Co-Chair: Vacant
- Robin Kelley – Office of Inclusive Excellence
- Kem Gambrell – School of Leadership Studies
- Ryan Herzog – School of Business
- Kristine Hoover – School of Leadership Studies
- Gerhard Barone – School of Business
- Matthew Barcus – Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center
- Susan Lee – Law School
- Meredith McKay – University Ministry
- Sierra Pancoast – Housing & Residence Life
- Raymond Reyes – Cultural Initiatives
- Melkam Tesfaye – Resolution Center
- Campus Climate
- Campus Security & Public Safety
- Center for Cura Personalis (CCP)
- Center for Global Education
- Chief Diversity Officer
- Council on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Disability Access Office
- 杏吧原创 Institute for Hate Studies
- Health & Counseling Center
- Housing & Residence Life
- Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center
- Transfer, Veteran & Returning Adult Services (TVRAS)
- Undocumented Community Support Coalition
- Unity Multicultural Education Center Lincoln (UMEC)
To learn more about bias incidents and hate crimes, check out:
If this is an emergency or you are the victim of a crime, please contact Campus Security and Public Safety immediately at (509) 313-2222.